If you want to take your secretarial skills and start using them to make money online, then you’ll need to know how to get clients for your online secretary business. You can have the greatest secretary skills in the world, but without clients you won’t make any money. You’ll be all set-up ready to work online but without clients coming through the door, there won’t be much hope for you to grow your virtual business.
Here are 5 steps you’ll need to master to get clients for your online secretary business >>>
#1 Define your ideal client
Get very clear about the type of people or businesses that will want the services of an online secretary. Virtual businesses are comfortable and familiar with hiring virtual employees. Local businesses may be looking for secretarial support part-time, and an online secretary working virtually might suit their needs. Think about your ideal client. What kind of people do you want to work with? What kind of industries do you want to work in? What do they do and where will you find them?
#2 Find out “why” your ideal clients really want an online secretary, then package and offer your services accordingly
You might say that you are offering expert secretarial services online – but what is it that your potential clients are looking for? More time with their families? More time to expand and grow their own business? More freedom to travel, knowing they have virtual support wherever they go? Prestige? You want to find out what they really want and package your services according to what they ultimately want from you.
You can do this by discovering where your ideal clients are “hanging out” and listen to what it is they are talking about. Are your ideal clients online, do they have virtual businesses, do they belong to certain industry organisations, are they meeting in network groups? Do they read certain publications? How can you meet with them and talk to them to listen and find out what they really want?
#3 Get people talking about you and your online secretary service
Have a marketing strategy that stands out and that is packaged especially for your ideal client. . Click here to discover some no cost advertising methods for your online secretary business. Make yourself easy to find by positioning yourself as the expert. Consider niching your services so you are the “go to” or expert person.
#4 Implement a strategy to impel your existing contacts to refer your online secretary service
Make your referral programme a priority in your overall business plan. Give incentives to loyal clients and offer rewards for referrals. Network with other people offering complementary services and offer them incentives for referrals also.
#5 Offer repeat, packaged solutions, with automated online payment acceptance
Although you may consider taking on one-off projects when you’re first starting out, the best way to work with clients is to offer your online secretarial services on an ongoing basis. You’ll build a stronger relationship with your clients and you’ll have them working with you long-term. The more long-term clients you have, the less marketing you’ll need to do to bring in new clients.
Attracting new clients to your online secretary business takes effort –especially in the start-up stage while you’re building momentum. Once you have these 5 strategies in place, potential clients will be knocking on your door. Master these strategies and you’ll never need to spend a cent on advertising your services.