Easy Gifts Your Virtual Employee and Virtual Teams

Don’t let the “out of sight, out of mind” philosophy influence your virtual team dynamics.   It’s easy for virtual employees to feel unappreciated.  Even if your virtual or remote workers enjoy working alone or as part of a remote team, sometimes these workers operating virtually can feel unappreciated because of the lack of acknowledgement of a job well done.

In a virtual team environment, the virtual team leader does not have the luxury of walking down the hall and popping their head into the office and saying “hey John and Joe, you did a great job on that design project – how about some celebration drinks tonight”.

Even without the benefits of a typical real-life work environment, virtual team leaders can show their appreciation by sending notes or gifts to their virtual employees as a thank you.


Here are 5 easy gift ideas that your virtual employee will love (just click to order)  …


#1  Gift card with access to wide range of deals on line

#2 Desktop coffee maker







Continue reading

How To Get Clients for Your Online Secretary Business

If you want to take your secretarial skills and start using them to make money online, then you’ll need to know how to get clients for your online secretary business.  You can have the greatest secretary skills in the world, but without clients you won’t make any money.  You’ll be all set-up ready to work online but without clients coming through the door, there won’t be much hope for you to grow your virtual business.

Here are 5 steps you’ll need to master to get clients for your online secretary business >>>

#1 Define your ideal client

Get very clear about the type of people or businesses that will want the services of an online secretary.  Virtual businesses are comfortable and familiar with hiring virtual employees.  Local businesses may be looking for secretarial support part-time, and an online secretary working virtually might suit their needs.  Think about your ideal client.  What kind of people do you want to work with?  What kind of industries do you want to work in?  What do they do and where will you find them?

#2 Find out “why” your ideal clients really want an online secretary, then package and offer your services accordingly

You might say that you are offering expert secretarial services online – but  what is it that your potential clients are looking for?  More time with their families?  More time to expand and grow their own business?  More freedom to travel, knowing they have virtual support wherever they go?  Prestige?   You want to find out what they really want and package your services according to what they ultimately want from you.

You can do this by discovering where your ideal clients are “hanging out” and listen to what it is they are talking about.   Are your ideal clients online, do they have virtual businesses, do they belong to certain industry organisations, are they meeting in network groups?  Do they read certain publications?  How can you meet with them and talk to them to listen and find out what they really want?

#3 Get people talking about you and your online secretary service

Have a marketing strategy that stands out and that is packaged especially for your ideal client.  . Click here to discover some no cost advertising methods for your online secretary business.   Make yourself easy to find by positioning yourself as the expert.  Consider niching your services so you are the “go to” or expert person.

#4 Implement a strategy to impel your existing contacts to refer your online secretary service

Make your referral programme a priority in your overall business plan.  Give incentives to loyal clients and offer rewards for referrals.  Network with other people offering complementary services and offer them incentives for referrals also.

#5 Offer repeat, packaged solutions, with automated online payment acceptance

Although you may consider taking on one-off projects when you’re first starting out, the best way to work with clients is to offer your online secretarial services on an ongoing basis.   You’ll build a stronger relationship with your clients and you’ll have them working with you long-term.   The more long-term clients you have, the less marketing you’ll need to do to bring in new clients.

Attracting new clients to your online secretary business takes effort –especially in the start-up stage while you’re building momentum.  Once you have these 5 strategies in place, potential clients will be knocking on your door.   Master these strategies and you’ll never need to spend a cent on advertising your services.

Getting to know your Remote Workers – Virtual Team Building Activity #2

Try this fun Virtual Team Building Activity to help your remote workers get to know each other and get a better understanding of how each other works.  This activity is a great way to build virtual team trust while at the same time break down barriers with a good laugh between virtual team employees.

The Virtual Team Building Activity >>> Remote Teams Video Presentation

Ask your remote virtual teams to collaborate together to produce an entertaining video presentation inviting other team members into their “world” virtually.  Invite the teams to be creative and entertaining.    Instructions can be given to your entire team via video conferencing or an online meeting room like ShowMyPC Meetings and Remote Support.

Things Remote Teams could include in the video presentation >>>

  • Fun and lively introductions of each virtual team member – what they do and how they work together.
  • Daily life activities with visuals that “show” the rest of the team what country the remote team comes from and the kind of daily life experiences each member of the virtual team faces.
  • Virtual teams should share entertaining and interesting information about their culture, language, music, food, arts etc.
  • Share scenes from a  typical work day as a virtual employee (and any challenges they face)
  • Talk (or sing) about life, hobbies, aspirations that each person cares to share
  • Shoot footage of the virtual team in the “office” – how you work together, socialize together and communicate together
  • Show the rest of the virtual team who you really are.  Show off your sense of humor; have fun sharing your style, thoughts and feelings!

If you need inspiration here is a great example from the IBM Hanoi Virtual Team.  What ideas can you take away from the IBM Hanoi VirtualTeam presentation?

Remote Team Presentation - Virtual Team Building Activity

Remote Team Presentation – Virtual Team Building Activity







When giving out the virtual team building activity instructions, include things like how long the presentation should be, what to include in the presentation, when, how and to whom the video will be presented and where the video should be posted etc. After the presentation, invite other virtual team members to share and comment on the video presentation.

The important thing is that the virtual teams have the freedom to get fun and creative with and for each other. The objective of the virtual team building activity is that while producing the video, virtual team members have the opportunity to; work together in an exciting way, get creative together and have fun sharing together. At the same time we want the virtual team members who view the video presentation to better understand other remote team members and to build a connection to a team whom that rarely meet with face-to-face.

Want more Virtual Team Building Activities then click here to read “3 New Quick, Easy and Fun Virtual Team Building Activities for Work”

Understanding Personality in Virtual Teams – Virtual Team Building Activity #1

Help your virtual employees to connect and collaborate with each other more effectively by facilitating a fun virtual personality profiling session.  This is the first game in a series of 10 Virtual Team Building Activities that you can use to help your team build trust and develop a stronger connection with other virtual team members.

Step 1 >>    Each member of the virtual team should complete their own personality profile

There are various sophisticated personality profiling models available like DISC and Myer-Briggs where a consultant will lead you in the personality profiling session.  However, if you want an alternative that you can facilitate yourself as a fun online virtual team building activity,  you can use a book like Personality Plus: How to Understand Others by Understanding Yourself (copies available for as little as $2 each)   Each member of the virtual team can complete their own personality profile.

If you opt to facilitate the session yourself, then the game facilitator and each virtual team member should also be familiar with the personality plus model and how it impacts on their work as individuals (also covered in the personality plus book above)

Step 2 >>  The virtual team meets to reveal their dominate personality traits and how this will impact on the virtual business and virtual team dynamics …

Set the time and open up the virtual collaboration room where the entire virtual team can gather together.   To get the “reveal” session going the facilitator will need to be prepared to lead the discussion to encourage participation.   After explaining the personality profiling model you could start with some “ice-breaker” questions like  …

  • Do you agree with what the profile revealed?  Discuss why you agree or disagree?
  • What surprised you about your profile?
  • What questions did you find difficult to answer and why?
  • Talk about each individual personality style and how it impacts on their work styles.
  • Discuss each personality style and what positives and strengths each style brings to the virtual team.
  • Discuss how different personality styles will communicate and work with each other?
  • Does each virtual team member feel they are suited to their role?  If not, what can be done to improve the virtual team dynamic?
  • Discuss what communication techniques can be employed in the virtual team to improve overall team dynamics and cohesion
  • Discuss what conflicts could arise and have arisen within the Virtual Team and how understanding the personality traits of fellow virtual team members will help the team overcome potential conflicts in the future.


Step 3>>  Continue reading

Online Virtual Team Building Quiz for Remote Teams

virtual team collaborationCreative virtual team leaders are coming up with new virtual team building ideas to encourage their remote workers to work more productively together, build trust, collaborate and develop a sense of identity as a collective group.    Popular team building games can be easily adapted to become Virtual Team Building Games”.  Just by getting creative and using your every-day virtual collaboration technology you’ll be able to facilitate fun virtual team building games with your virtual employees and remote workers.

Business Management Quiz becomes Fun Online Virtual Team Building Game

Here is an idea of how a simple team building activity can be turned into a fun virtual team building game online.   What’s more, it’s free!    We are going to take a typical business quiz and turn it into a real virtual team building activity that will …

  1. Bring members of your virtual teams together in a fun and relaxed way
  2. Encourage virtual employees to connect more regularly using online collaboration tools
  3. Help your virtual team employees to learn more about working virtually, cultural differences and improve their overall business general knowledge

What’s great about this virtual team building activity is that it is so adaptable.   The timing and quiz topic can be adapted to your specific virtual team dynamics and needs.   Depending on what you would like your virtual team to “take-away” from the virtual team building activity you can adapt the timing, the team allocations and subject matter accordingly.

What you’ll need to play this virtual team building game … Continue reading

5 Essential Virtual Collaboration Tools for Virtual Teams

To build a strong virtual team spirit and promote real teamwork amongst remote workers then virtual team leaders need to encourage regular virtual collaboration. Ultimately you want to use virtual collaboration tools to help each virtual team member develop a sense of identity to the virtual team as a collective.       Virtual Collaboration need not be overly technical or consume too much time. It’s about bringing your remote workers together to build trust, develop relationships and promote creativity along with virtual team productivity.

Here are 5 virtual team collaboration tools you can use to keep your remote workers connected and working as a virtual team >>>

Virtual Collaboration Room to Facilitate Virtual Team Meetings

When managing virtual teams it is important that you have frequent communication with your virtual team members.   Your virtual team meeting “room” or remote web desktop address becomes the place where your entire team working remotely can meet regularly.   Establishing a regular virtual meeting time and place is an absolute must to encourage virtual collaboration and in affect build trust, creativity and relationships between team members of your virtual team.
ShowMyPC Meetings and Remote Support

Face-to-face Virtual Collaboration via Video Conferencing Tools

In the absence of regular real-­world face-to-face meetings, your team should be using video conferencing to enhance connections and communication.   When we communicate, much of what we say is all about what we don’t actually say with our lips.  We speak through our facial expressions, gestures and body language.   It is possible to work remotely with someone whom you’ve never seen, however if we want to improve connection and virtual team communication we must meet with each other face-to-face.   Video conferencing allows for virtual collaboration face-to-face.

Mindmap collaboration for Virtual Teams

Big companies like IBM, BBC, Rolls Royce, Disney and Merrill Lynch are just some of the organisations already taking advantage of the creativity gained through Mind-mapping.  Online mind mapping can be an excellent virtual collaboration tool.    Tony Buzan, the inventor of mind mapping says “mind mapping help individuals think better and more creatively, and reach their full mental potential.  Mind mapping can help virtual teams collaborate and get more creative as a cohesive group.  Your remote workers can use mindmap collaboration to: plan, organize, create, present, problem solve, and communicate while having fun as a virtual team.

Virtual Collaboration Tools to Capture, Share and Retain Virtual Team Knowledge

One special challenge facing Virtual Teams is capturing the collective knowledge of each individual remote worker so that all members of the virtual team benefit as a combined group.  In the typical work environment experiences, stories and new information is often shared between employees as they go about their day-to-day work routines.    Virtual team leaders need to pay particular attention to capturing, sharing and retaining the knowledge of your team.

Knowledge can be captured by collaboration tools that will host and even more importantly, record your Virtual Team Meetings – audio and/or visual.  You can also use web-platforms or online training software that will record your in-house training sessions.

Having a central document management and document sharing process in place is an absolute must collaboration tool for virtual teams.  Without a document management and sharing system, remote workers are left to individually hold valuable documents and knowledge.  This is a big no no for virtual teams.   Without a central document management system you will lose time and money searching for documents and valuable knowledge held by your individual remote workers.

By using a variety of online virtual team collaboration tools, you can achieve regular connection with your remote workers.  In turn, frequent virtual collaboration promotes a stronger virtual team.  With regular virtual collaboration your remote workers identify with a highly organized and creative group working together towards one common goal.

Yes, virtual teams do face challenges, but by using the right virtual team collaboration tools, these challenges can be overcome successfully.  Virtual teams can come together, have fun, get creative and achieve results.

Want to know more about virtual collaboration for remote teams?   Click here to check out Virtual Team Building Games.

Digital Team-Building Activities

Why Digital Team Building Games?

Savvy global businesses are tapping into the world of virtual games, digital team-building activities and business simulations to improve their business productivity in many ways.  Think IBM, Pepsi, Sony, Canon, Nokia, Merrill Lynch.   These global businesses are using virtual games in many aspects of their businesses from virtual team building, virtual team collaboration through to talent acquisition to engaging customers online in an exciting way.

Digital Team Building Activities for Virtual Teams

As global integration moves into a wider working virtual space, businesses are looking for virtual team building activities that parallel the virtual workplace and the digital world that is surrounding us.  Virtual leaders of smaller global teams are also looking for quick and easy ways to execute virtual team building activities that are keeping pace with our growing digital world.

Introducing 50 Digital Team-Building Games: Fast, Fun Meeting Openers, Group Activities and Adventures using Social Media, Smart Phones, GPS, Tablets, and More

Author John Chen, brings you 50 Digital Team-Building Games.  50 Digital Team Building Games offers fun, energizing meeting openers, team activities, and group adventures for business teams, using Twitter, GPS, Facebook, smartphones, and other technology. The digital games can be played in-person or virtually, and range from 5-minute ice-breakers to an epic four-hour GPS-based adventure. Designed to be led by virtual team leaders, managers, facilitators, presenters, and speakers, the digital activities, help teams and groups get comfortable with technology, get to know each other better, build trust, improve communication, and more.  No need to be a “techie” to lead these games—they’re simple and well-scripted.

50 Digital Team-Building Games: Fast, Fun Meeting Openers, Group Activities and Adventures using Social Media, Smart Phones, GPS, Tablets, and More

Virtual team leaders can use these digital team building activities to liven up their virtual team meetings, break the ice, and improve communication and productivity.  Using digital team building games can form part of your overall virtual team building plan.  Use the games to build buzz for your business, build critically important relationships and communication internally, and keep your team talking about it for weeks afterward!

For more Virtual Team Building Activities enjoy reading our article:  Ultimate Remote Team Building Activities

Best Ways to Find an Online Secretary

One of the best ways to find an excellent online secretary is to let your existing network know you’re looking for someone to fill your online secretary position.

 Approaching your existing network to find an online secretary:

The very best way to find your online secretary is to hire someone that has been recommended to you.   It’s likely someone in your network already has an online secretary or virtual assistant working for them.

You will be able to tap into a huge network of people by sending out a message announcing your need to find an excellent online secretary.  Think about all your contacts …

  • Personal mail contact list – can you send out an email to them?
  • Phone contacts –  send them a text telling them you’re on the look-out for a new online secretary
  • Your twitter contacts – can you send out some Tweets?
  • Your network groups – let them know you’re looking for an online secretary
  • Your business list – can you send out an announcement to them?
  • Social Media ie.  Facebook, LinkedIn (whatever networks you’re involved in – get the word out!

Post your online secretary position on these top online freelance websites: Continue reading

3 New Quick, Easy and Fun Virtual Team Building Activities for Work

If you’re looking for new ideas to include in your virtual team building activities try these 3 very easy to implement remote team building ideas ….


1. Use Music to Liven Up Your Virtual Team Meetings

Before every virtual team meeting select a motivating theme song to be played as people arrive to the meeting.  Music is a great motivator.   You can even ask your virtual team to vote on their favorite motivating songs and change the song each month.


2. Host a Virtual Team Happy Hour to Celebrate Your Remote Team’s Success

At the end of the month, or in celebration of your virtual team project success – it’s time to have some fun and reward yourselves as a Virtual Team.   For one hour, open up your

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virtual meeting room, turn on the music and web-cams, and get some virtual team games happening.   If you really want to delight your team, send them each a bottle of champagne to “pop” together during the event.  Note:  Depending on their religion or culture some virtual team members will not drink champagne but you could send an alternative.

This virtual team building activity doesn’t have to end there.  You can ask remote team members to decorate their offices and take photos. Each team member could send in their photograph and a presentation can be created to share with the entire virtual team at your next virtual team building happy hour.  Turn it into a virtual team building game by playing “Guess Who”.    As the presentation is shown, remote team members can guess what office belongs to each person.

3. Play Virtual Team Building Games Online Continue reading

Trust In Virtual Teams

Why Is Trust In Virtual Teams So Important?

According to Dr Tom Wise, author of Trust in Virtual Teams “As projects become more complex and the project teams are more geographically and culturally dispersed, so strong, trusting relationships come to the fore. Trust provides the security that enables project teams to work together effectively, even when they face project-threatening problems and challenges.”

As a virtual team leader, building trust in your virtual team needs to be a specific item addressed as part of your overall virtual team building plan.

Building Communication and Trust In Global Virtual Teams


With the number of people working globally and the increase in virtual teams, so is the need for tools and resources to help virtual team leaders understand and build trust within their virtual teams.  One challenge to overcome is building communication and trust in a virtual environment that does not allow for regular face-to-face meetings.  Of course, where possible, when it comes to virtual team building, it is recommended members of a virtual team meet face-to-face at least once a year.  However, what can virtual team leaders do if it isn’t possible?  What can be done to build trust in virtual teams that do not have the opportunity to meet face-to­-face?

More Ideas for Building Trust in Virtual Teams … Continue reading

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