Getting to know your Remote Workers – Virtual Team Building Activity #2

Try this fun Virtual Team Building Activity to help your remote workers get to know each other and get a better understanding of how each other works.  This activity is a great way to build virtual team trust while at the same time break down barriers with a good laugh between virtual team employees.

The Virtual Team Building Activity >>> Remote Teams Video Presentation

Ask your remote virtual teams to collaborate together to produce an entertaining video presentation inviting other team members into their “world” virtually.  Invite the teams to be creative and entertaining.    Instructions can be given to your entire team via video conferencing or an online meeting room like ShowMyPC Meetings and Remote Support.

Things Remote Teams could include in the video presentation >>>

  • Fun and lively introductions of each virtual team member – what they do and how they work together.
  • Daily life activities with visuals that “show” the rest of the team what country the remote team comes from and the kind of daily life experiences each member of the virtual team faces.
  • Virtual teams should share entertaining and interesting information about their culture, language, music, food, arts etc.
  • Share scenes from a  typical work day as a virtual employee (and any challenges they face)
  • Talk (or sing) about life, hobbies, aspirations that each person cares to share
  • Shoot footage of the virtual team in the “office” – how you work together, socialize together and communicate together
  • Show the rest of the virtual team who you really are.  Show off your sense of humor; have fun sharing your style, thoughts and feelings!

If you need inspiration here is a great example from the IBM Hanoi Virtual Team.  What ideas can you take away from the IBM Hanoi VirtualTeam presentation?

Remote Team Presentation - Virtual Team Building Activity

Remote Team Presentation – Virtual Team Building Activity







When giving out the virtual team building activity instructions, include things like how long the presentation should be, what to include in the presentation, when, how and to whom the video will be presented and where the video should be posted etc. After the presentation, invite other virtual team members to share and comment on the video presentation.

The important thing is that the virtual teams have the freedom to get fun and creative with and for each other. The objective of the virtual team building activity is that while producing the video, virtual team members have the opportunity to; work together in an exciting way, get creative together and have fun sharing together. At the same time we want the virtual team members who view the video presentation to better understand other remote team members and to build a connection to a team whom that rarely meet with face-to-face.

Want more Virtual Team Building Activities then click here to read “3 New Quick, Easy and Fun Virtual Team Building Activities for Work”