riend dropped into our work from home office today. We’d only see *James about twice a year, but it’s always nice to see him and catch up over a coffee. James is a gentle soul who wears his “heart on his sleeve”. Always thoughtful of others, speaking words to encourage and uplift others. It didn’t take me long to notice how sad he looked today. Without wanting to be too “nosey”, I enquired if he was REALLY doing ok. I mean REALLY ok, because he certainly didn’t look his usual self. Short answer…he wasn’t doing ok. He was soooooo depressed, feeling very, very low. He felt his frustration and depression was stemming from his work. He’d lost all enthusiasm, tired of answering to a boss that didn’t really care or understand his role. He worked as a sales rep, tirelessly, without a lot of reward. He was feeling trapped unable to escape. Have you ever felt like that? That feeling of being trapped in a job role you just hate? The kind of role where you feel you just can’t face the day ahead. Yes! That’s exactly where James was.
So, today he decided to drop in for a chat. You see, James knew that we worked online from our home office. Our friends can see the flexibility we have in our life. We are living proof that the online work from home business is well are truly alive and KICKING! We set our own hours, work with a supportive team and clients we LOVE! (Clients like Bernadette Doyle, Duncan Brodie, Melina Abbott, Frederique Murphy…) James also knows we have helped others do the same. So he came for some advice. He asked…“what do you guys do, where do I start working from home, what can I do online, what can I do to earn an income online from home?“ You may have asked yourself those exact same questions. Have you? Well in James’ case, he didn’t have a whole lot of online technical skills, so we needed to dig deeper. These are the exact questions we asked him to answer (and I invite you now to answer them too)…
- What do I really like doing?
- What do I do with my free time?
- What do my friends and family get me to help them with?
- Where do I see my natural talents lie?
- What work am I currently doing that can be done online (or what parts of my existing role can I do online?
Is there something innovative that I can do in my current role to improve bottom line that I can do from home or online (i.e. website, social media marketing, writing for the business etc) I also invited him to check out some sites for inspiration like www.freelancer.com Instructions: GET CREATIVE. Come back to us with the answers. Then we’ll put phase 2 into action! I asked James to come back with the answers. I invite you also to answer the questions and share with us your answers in the comments box. If YOU decide to take action, this could be the beginning of your new rewarding career working online from home. It’s possible, it’s exciting and your freedom awaits you. If YOU decide to take ACTION. I look forward to updating you on James’ progress and I look forward to hearing from you too!. *name changed to protect privacy