Check out these nine symptoms below that may be signs that you’re ready to switch to working virtual online. It may be the perfect time to ask your boss to work from home.
#1 You dread going to work each day and dread having to face your boss and/or co-workers
#2 You’re so sick and tired of traveling to work and back in the stressful traffic every day
#3 Your head is always in your work; you’re stressed and feel you have no work life balance
#4 Trying to stay focused amongst all the office politics is proving impossible
#5 Constant interruptions plague your work day and you never seem to get ahead in your work
#6 You dream of a flexible work schedule where you can work online and change your hours when you need
#7 Exhaustion has you feeling like work is out of control – you’re all work and no play
#8 You long for the “work from home” lifestyle – being able to work where you want (perhaps even travel)
#9 You just want to show up to the office in your pajamas
If you’re showing any of the symptoms outlined above, perhaps it’s a sign that you need to consider taking your job online and start working remotely or working virtual from home! Which brings us to the very next important question of HOW to ask to work from home?
For the answer click here to find out “How To Ask Your Boss To Work From Home – and Get Them To Say “Yes”