Initial Consultation Checklist

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    In relation to your business, what are the things you
    spend time and energy worrying about?

    Do you have an automated system for lead generation?

    What programmes are you currently running and have
    they been automated?

    How do you typically interact with your clients?

    When you first bring on a client do you have a process in place for a smooth introduction?

    What do you believe are your biggest time-wasters?

    Do you spend time searching for information eg. passcodes, login codes

    Do you find yourself repeating the same information
    in written or verbal format?

    What currently works well for you?

    What currently does not work well for you?

    Are there things that need to be done on a regular basis
    that you sometimes forget?

    Do you forget appointments/meetings?

    Can any of your consultancy material be standardised?
    – templates created etc.

    Do you receive regular industry periodicals/newsletters
    that you don’t have time to read?

    Do you have standard workshops that you facilitate?
    Can the Workshop materials be standardised?

    Do you have a central systems document where you
    document your processes?

    What ROUTINE activities do you perform?

    checking emails
    answering client enquiries
    newsletter preparation & broadcasting
    regular courtesy contacts
    document preparation
    e- Research
    client presentations
    customer care enquiries
    refunds/product returns
    maintaining database/customer records
    maintaining your shoppingcart system maintenance eg. reports, system purging updating emails etc.
    collating and uploading your testimonials
    attending to complaints – response, register, identifying issues etc.
    co-ordinating your meetings
    co-ordinating transcripts and tele-conferences
    preparing & distributing your newsletter
    preparing and managing autoresponders
    document formatting – ebooks etc.

    Do you have any other comments or issues?